Project Submission and Workflow

We recommend users to contact BEA before submitting any samples. We encourage users to enquire about the requirements for the planned specific method and if necessary schedule a meeting for experimental planning.

Experimental Planning

Several decisions have to be made regarding the different assays offered at BEA. It is important to have a clear understanding about the desired method, the selected experimental groups, number of replicates etc. Different assays have special requirements for concentration and quality of RNA/DNA which needs to be communicated. Please contact BEA for advice.


All projects at BEA are demanded to be handled with the new cloud based core facility management system iLab. To manage and follow a project at BEA simply login to the KI ILab page with your KI ID credentials. New users need to be registered with the iLabs system. More information can be found under the iLab section.

Sample Delivery

Usually the customer delivers the samples together with a signed BEA order form. When the samples are delivered BEA will submit the requested order into the iLabs system for approval and the customer will be placed in the project queue. Please contact BEA before delivering samples.

RNA/DNA Quality Control

All samples will be subjected to Quality Control on Agilent Bioanalyzer or Agilent Tapestation. If the RNA/DNA quantity and quality is sufficient, the samples will continue to processing.

Sample preparation and Analysis

All procedures will be performed according to the manufacturers recommendations, and the output is generally unprocessed data. A backup version of the raw data will be stored on our server for approximately 12 months. It is the users responsibility to download and store the analysis output data.

Data Analysis

Raw data is always processed for Quality Control purposes, and BEA will always provide the customer with processed data in Excel or txt format. See the Data Analysis section for further information.