How to become a user
Project workflow
BEA provides infrastructure in the form of expert competence and service at all stages in different genomic analysis. We offer complete analysis pipelines including experimental planning, sample processing and bioinformatic support.
After an initial contact by email or telephone we can, if needed, arrange a meeting to discuss the details and timing of a project. Users are encouraged to fill in and sign a BEA service form which will contain information about the PI, the desired project, sample and invoicing information. All projects at the core facility are placed in our internal queue without exception and handled with a first come, first served policy.
After delivery of samples all projects at BEA are handled with the KI cloud based core facility management system iLabs which is connected to the identity management system used by KI. All BEA users need to be registered and approved by PIs in iLabs to initiate a project request at BEA. After registration in iLabs BEA staff will create a project for the customer to approve.
User fees and billing. BEA operates as a core facility offering services with a strict "fee-for-service" principle. The user fees for Swedish academics are based on cost for consumables, instruments, university overhead, and part of the cost for staff and rent. Commercial users pay full costs including staff and premises which approximately means a 25% surcharge on the listed prices.
- Customer Information:
- Project Submission
- External Users
- iLabs
- NGS Sample Submission
- How to acknowledge BEA
- Reference List
- Latest Newsletter
- FAQs
- BEA Price List:
- Order Forms:
- Links:
- KI core facilities for research
- SICOF-Single cell core facility
- CBB-Centre for Bioinformatics and Biostatistics
- SciLifeLab
- National Bioinformatics Institute Sweden
- Resources:
BEA Service Fees |
BEA Services |