BEA provides RNA and DNA quality control services with the Agilent TapeStation and Bioanalyzer automated electrophoresis instruments which allows a quick, easy, and reliable analysis of DNA and RNA samples. Services at BEA include all the RNA and DNA formats available: nano, pico and small RNA analysis for the Bioanalyzer and the R6K and D1K normal and high sensitivity screen tape analysis for the Tapestation.This service is included as a part of the QC quality control prior to downstream library preparation or microarray analysis. RNA QC can also be performed as a standalone-service for customers that are interested in checking RNA and DNA quality.The analysis output are concentration measures, 28S/18S ratios and RIN-values. The results will be provided to the customer as PDF files.

Figure.RNA analysis with the Agilent 2200 TapeStation system. A) Gel image. B) Representative electropherogram.