DNA/RNA extraction and purification

BEA offers isolation and purification of RNA and DNA from biological samples. For RNA extractions, we generally use different Qiagen protocols which are designed for purification of total RNA from animal cells, animal tissues, bacteria, and yeast, and for RNA cleanup. The input ranges from 100 cells up to 200mg of tissue as starting material which can result in yields up to 100 µg total RNA.

Good results in downstream genomic analysis depend on the sampling and the quality of the DNA/RNA. Different samples demand different protocols and input buffers. Tissue samples can be homogenized with our Tissuelyzer prior to extraction. For detailed description of handling, buffers, sampling and stabilization methods always check the Qiagen handbook for desired method or enquire with BEA personnel.

The selection of the right method for sampling and extraction is crucial to the outcome for most RNA extraction projects. Please revise the different protocols and possibilities with the QIagen selector tools for extraction and sampling below.

At BEA we use the QIAcube sample preparation robot, where up to 12 samples can be loaded simultaneously, which makes the preparation standardized, fast and efficient. Just like the manual handling the QIAcube robot is based on the Qiagen RNeasy and DNeasy spin column technology.